Again, like Singapore this is a sort of quick trip. It's Dec 1, a quiet Sunday morning just before we head back to Manila to attend mass and write this journal. I'm going to miss this view from my window :)
We are here for the Digital Art and Design Conference. This time I'm using "we" because, I brought Jezzel Wee along. She's a young colleague from the Faculty of Fine Arts, but prior to that she was a young artist I curated and was an artist assistant for some projects in mid-2010s.
The invitation for this conference went through Vichaya Mukdamanee (Win). Like Urich, I won't say no to an invitation from him. Not because he is the Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts of Silpakorn University but he is my brother, I respect him as an artist, as scholar, an administrator and an all-around (goofy, only within the close circle) human... reason enough ya?
The conference was alright. Some presentations I really enjoy-- the ceramic collection conservation at the beginning and the AI presentation at the end are my top faves. Ours was alright, I think. It was solid, but could be more exciting in the future, when we get more explorations (working on it!).
Art Hop
We were only able to go to the Post Office and an art hub, since it's our hotel's neighbour.
Then BACC to check out the Bangkok Arts Biennial. More than the artworks in the Biennial, I thought how the BACC functions-- as a community centre, is quite curious. I had extra fun observing how people use the space.
And Bangkok Kunsthalle, which received extra spatial appreciation from me. When Stefano Pansera, the Director, was talking about it last year when we had lunch and over dinner the other day, I was imagining a usual white cube. To my surprise, it was an old Chinese warehouse, and they kept it rough/ industrial; add-on the programming-- Yoko Ono and a film with Riar Rizaldi, Martha Atienza, and Chulayarnnon Siriphol, among others. I'm very impressed.
We also did a studio visit of the Silpakorn University Ceramic Studio, which might be the highlight of our trip! Thanks to Win for arranging it, and for Ajarn Chanon for his hospitality.
Truth be told, unlike Hong Kong and Singapore, I never felt Bangkok as my home. People I met are kind (and absolutely beautiful!), but I never had a chance to live here-- to actually get to know Bangkok by myself.
But I have a very deep sentimental relationship with Bangkok however. This was Butch Guerrero (aka my dead best friend) most favourite country (the whole Thailand). My first few visits to Bangkok was always with him. It became very difficult to go back after Butchie died in 2013. But as I told Win, on our drive back to Bangkok from Nakorn Phatom, I don't feel too sad being here anymore. Maybe this time, when I am physically better, I'd try to stay here and get to know Bangkok a bit more.
Anyway, so reunions, not homecoming... besides Win, friends from elsewhere were here! Lim Kok Yong, a bro from Media Art Kitchen and Project Glocal, who is from Malaysia but now resides in Vietnam, very pleasant surprise to see him here, some of the colleagues from Singapore (some I just saw last week), and some art peeps from Bangkok scene-- Kim, Nan, and Stefano.